Sunday, January 25, 2009


just this week when i got home from the office, i saw my inaanak, raf, outside with nanay, my lola. i normally would just kiss child-relatives and play with them a few minutes before going up my apartment. while playing with raf, nanay jokingly told me to play "yayo" for a while because she's going somewhere. the yaya was also there so i told the yaya that i'll bring raf up and cut his hair. i also told nanay that i'd be doing a mohawk on raf. she laughed.

but i was serious.

so i propped raf on the table on my terrace and began shaving his head. i instinctively put the clipper to "0." it never occured to me that the cut is too close until i started on raf's head. i had no choice but to continue and this is what happened.

warning: cuteness overload!

raf with my cousin gerald
(yes, the boy on the right is raf's uncle!!)

so after that i was PERSONALLY satisfied. since i couldn't do it for myself, i did it to my nephew slash godchild. i was happy!

... until i remembered nanay.

i swear i felt so uneasy because i thought nanay would freak out and give me a severe tongue lashing when she sees raf. fortunately for my selfish arse, nanay was just cool about it the next day.
she goes: "papagupitan ko na si kolokoy!"
me: "nanay, 'wag muna! ang cute kaya!"
nanay: "eh bakit kaya hindi mo sa ulo mo gawin yan?!"
me: "eh bawal kaya sa trabaho!"
she looked at me with her brows raised and then i smiled at her. hehehehe.

anyway, that's all for now.



Sunday, January 18, 2009

settling dust

it's sunday morning today and i feel just fine. the dust, i think, has finally settled and everything seems clear to me now. as old and as ordinary as everything is, so i feel fresh and excited about everything. dark greys are now becoming greens and reds and yellows -- bright becomes everything. in retrospect, i think sundays have always been my day.

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright sun shiny day

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright sun shiny day

Look all around, there's nothin' but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin' but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright sun shiny day
i can see clearly now

so the year of the ox has come early for me. as a pig (the chinese zodiac ok?!), it has brought about renewed vigor, rejuvenation, revival, rebirth, o ang muling pagsilang.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

something really weird AND funny

ok, so i got a call from my mother in the office. we talked about trivial things -- including my digital slr *shivers*
now here's the thing. for no reason at all, my mother asked if i have a love life. KAMON KAMON!
and since when did my mother start asking about my love life?!


i'm having an OK time in the office. as expected, workload is not really that heavy. though it's not that light either. it's just... OK.

also in the office, our messenger whom we call officer 1 jake, made us really laugh. tin was reading her e-mail out loud, " dear vins..." when jake continued, " we invite you to..."
then we all stopped and looked at jake. we were like "JAKE!!! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?" LOL. then while walking away, he added, " a pleasant hello!" bwahahahahahahaha! i swear jake has one of the best timings in our department!
i know it's not really funny now. but you have to be there and you have to EXPERIENCE jake. haha.


i told tin that i am now indifferent -- past loneliness and past hurt. yun lang =)


Thursday, January 8, 2009

the month that was

i was browsing through my december posts and found that i barely wrote posted anything haha. well, the past month has been quite busy. fotunately not because of work-work, but there were just a lot of activities and for the first time, i never felt bored on a christmas break.

for the most part, there were pictures and here they are =)

click banners to direct you to each album on my multiply site


Sunday, January 4, 2009

happy new year!

happy new year!

so how's the new year treating you so far?

my 2008 has been nothing but a blur. everything came in painfully slow yet amazingly fast. i guess the one word that stuck with me throughout the past year was "waiting" -- waiting for that next project to come along, waiting for that big adventure, waiting for unreplied texts, unanswered calls, waiting for that next drinking session, waiting for that last final good bye, final glimpse, waiting for a higher paycheck, waiting for sanity to come barging in, waiting for reality to finally kick me in the gut, yeah that's it... waiting.
but just recently, i figured i'm not getting any younger. they say life is what happens while you wait. so come december, i managed to easily sway myself into not waiting anymore. i know i sound like a schizo right now but sometimes, you just have to psych yourself up into doing things that you normally wouldn't do on a regular or spur of the moment basis. so there. i stopped waiting. so what am i doing now? well just dusting myself up a bit and preparing for the longest run of my life -- or the highest dive -- whatever it is, i'm getting ready. i may be scrambling a bit but i'm readying myself. in a few weeks or (heaven forbid) months to come, i shall be set. and you know what happens after that -- i finally go.
hopefully 2008's lessons thoughened and taught me well.
but i'm still gonna wish for a better paying career, continued friendships, more love, better health, and hopefully a little less bumps on the way. for all we know, 2009 shall be up and over and we begin anew.

anyway, to spare us all the drama (as if going through my blog is not drama enough), this is 2008 in pictures.

have a great year!
