made it through. victorious and unscathed.
damn i made it. for the first time (and the very last chance) in my college life, i've reached a GPA of above 3!! woohoo!
after long weeks of almost sleepless nights and cramming and planning and squeezing of my brain for more and more ideas, i actually made it.
so yesterday, from noon to the early evening we were drinking. along with my brothers and friends. it was fun. and somewhat depressing, knowing that it will be the last of our academic term. i'm happy too because god answered my prayers for myself and for yuri.
yuri, after almost being sure of failing a subject or two, made it through conadev! *claps*
tomorrow i've got an interview. and this time, it's for smart. i hope my groupmates and i make it through. all hopes rests in Him.
anyway, i'm really sleepy even though it's just 2:30am. so bye for now. i just have nothing to do.