Saturday, July 2, 2011


When they said that "scars are beautiful," I think they meant it figuratively. 'Cuz how can scars from a major surgery because you ate too much fat be beautiful? =)

Wow, 2011. What a year. And you're only halfway done! First time to get hospitalized and operated on -- a major surgery at that. I don't even know if I can type it correctly: laparascopic cholecystectomy. Yeah, that one where they had to remove the gall bladder.

Hey, I've got the video, you wanna watch?

Doc says I've to come back to him in a week to remove the dressing. He also said that I can do anything with the bandages on, anyway. I can even take a bath. Meh. I dunno. I hope my clean freak doesn't hit me in the coming days.

Well, that's all for now. I'm quite buzzed by the meds and this bloated (more like distended) tummy I have. It's kinda hard to move. Though the doctor said it's best for me to move to remove the unwanted air. Oh well, I'm babbling again.


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