to there and back
i just came home and it's almost 3. we were all around metro manila. first, makati, then pasig, then quezon city, then back to pasig, then makati.
i guess i haven't mentioned it here but we watch a movie every wednesday. a good boys' night out. it started last month and i don't know how long it's gonna go on. anyway we watched the fog how was it?
it was a wreck. the movie started out good with all those scary but not so in-your-face-gory-bloody-so-scream-your-lungs-out kind of a thing. the build up was actually good. from the moment tom welling was shown on the boat up to the time when.. well... ghosts actually started appearing. i just thought it's so wrong. ghosts should be ghosts. i mean, they should not be always seen except for some special reason. so seeing ghosts for almost half of the movie isn't scary anymore. you just get used to it. the ending was very ho-hum. what's with all those reincarnating people anyway? it's just so overused.
you might want to scare yourself very much at the beginning because it's gonna be a bore from the middle to the end.
damn this is a bad critique.
we then went to the infamous mr. kebab. abner and yuri and jen all kept talking about it. i just don't know what the fuss was all about. well, when i got there, it's a quaint place. it's open air and that's plus points for us smokers. abner said that an iranian owns it. everything on the menu was so foreign to me. tell me please, what's a burnyayi?
abner was so hyped up to let me try his (and supposedly, theirs) favorite, keema. when i first saw it, it was like your usual sisig complete with calamansi. abner immediately fixed mine. he literally made the ground beef swim in this what seemed like shawarma sauce to me (looks like mayonnaise) and a little of hot sauce. the rice (which also swam in the shawarma sauce) came with butter topping which i thought was, "uh-huh, so when did iranians learn how to use butter?" anyway, i think it's good. the beef was tender and the flavors were awesome. i guess i just didn't let them know that i liked it so they were all disappointed with my reaction. haha. hello, i ate like 2 cups of rice with mashed potato as side dish, chicken steak and a large soda. i was so full! i couldn't even finish my favorite yoghurt shake. in the middle of eating (and disappointment from them haha) i really felt like barfing all over the place already. good thing it was open air so i got to smoke 2 sticks right after. haay. pig. and the best part is it's very, very affordable!
ok, i really feel writing this shit so i made up these grades.
interior - 2 stars out of five. it was a bit messy and crowded. no iranian theme at all.
staff - 3 stars. they were nice but they were a bit slow. i asked for a plastic cup and they gave me plastic bag. how nice.
food - 4 spoons. i only tried one thing. but i guess all the other are as great. i just don't think i'll try the ox's brain anytime soon.
parking - 2 stars. the place was small so parking was also small. fit for 10 cars i think.
price - 5 stars. very. very. affordable. you can do a full meal complete with yoghurt shake for just 80 pesos.
over all - 3.2 stars
haay. now i'm tired. thinking about the stars made me sleepy hehe.
ciao for now!