Monday, March 20, 2006



ok first i'm sorry! haha should've cut my entries when i posted pictures. ok for those of you who still want to view the pics i post, i'll just give you my lj account the next time i post. BUT IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME HOW TO CUT ENTRIES HERE IN BLOGSPOT, I WILL REALLY APPRECIATE IT AND I'D KISS YOU!

well anyway, there's one thing that's bugging me since the last month. and it's regarding the job i'm going to take.

i guess even before i graduate, i swore to myself that i would never take a call center job. yeah, you guessed right. i'm taking it. but it's only because there are NO OTHER OPTIONS. i mean, graduating from la salle is one thing, getting a job is another. so i decided that rather than just being a bum, i'd rather earn money for myself and spare my mother from giving me money already. sheesh i'm so old to take allowances for her. fyi i'm 22. i've got to take the bitter pill. well, like my soulee told me, everyone's gotta start somewhere. i just hope that it doesn't start AND END here.

in other news, i've been really slow lately. i mean literally slow. for some reason, everything seems to be in a haze and i'm here in the middle of it trying to get some direction very, very, VERY slowly. dang.

so the other day i bought 2 books for only Php150. beat that! before, i would just look at the books that i like on display in national bookstore and sometimes in some posh bookstores. well, i've got a new bestfriend - book sale. it's the name of the store yeah. i'm finishing foucault's pendelum by umberto eco and i don't wanna be caught dead without anything to read before i go to sleep. bought damascus gates for 140. and the other the beauty and the priest for 10! i just got the beauty because i thought i'd get a novel for a bargain. haha. not. when i got home it was a priest's recollection of what happened to him when he met this woman. it was more like of a self-help and advice kind of book. darn. i'm not a priest by the way.

i gotta go and i hope i'll leave you with something nice to look at.