Friday, May 6, 2005

fuck the weather

f*ck the weather

just last night, my lola just told me that our electricity bill for the month has reached a staggering 9,000 pesosesosesoses. gak! and that's not where it ends, she also told me that i should minimize - even stop using the aircon already. but i just said a flat out NO. gosh it is so friggin' hot!!!!!!! using the electric fan in my room is not even an issue. my windows do not open, when i open the door, mosquitoes will have a nightly feast on my semi-flawless body plus, who wants to sleep with the door open.. i just get paranoid sorry. actually i've tried using the electric fan at night, unfortunately for my hyper sensitive body, my sheets are all wet in a mere 10 minutes. imagine how soaked up i could get if i go on with it for 7+ hours. oh well enough about this ranting. just this last one..


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