Wednesday, January 5, 2005

starting over

starting over

i am an avid viewer of etc's starting over series. im so intrigued by how people can get so depressed and down for one minute and start over from there. eventually after all the bickering and fighting and learning from the house, they graduate and start a new life. i hope life's that easy.

its new year now and i think i should start over. a new slate for me. last year was quite productive for me - academically, emotionally and psychologically speaking. i got my highest gpa last term. i was depressed during the last quarter of the year, i was bombarded by papers and fought with some people. everything. i was able to build and start new friendships. i was able to fulfill one of my dreams. whatever.


my new year's re-resolution
1. listen more, talk less
2. improve my academic standing
3. graduate on time
4. do everything that is required of me excellently
5. go somewhere
6. clean the house

well.. thats it for me for now. its the start of the term. my schedule sucks (imagine 11:20-9:10pm classes. just a mere hour and thirty minute break at 4:30)

anyway, wishing you all a great year and a prosperous one at that.

and o, belated happy two kings! hehe, Da King died already..


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