Wednesday, December 8, 2004

typing the day away

typing the day away...

segway: somebody texted me this and made me so happy during the rest of the day (typed exactly as texted)
t0p 3 thngs i lyk bt BRYAN:3)he cn easily cnct with 0thr ppl and he's snsitiv 2 their neds, 2)he's knd, he has a wndrfl yt 1 f a knd persnalty myb bcz he's a gud wrtr, and i nj0y talkng 2hm, 1)i fl cmfrtble xpresng wt i wnt 2 say bt alm0st anything
now who would not be happy with that? the ultimate compliment for me! haha.. thanks so much!
i dunno why im doing this blog especially when ive been typing from 1130 in the morning up to this time 12 midnight.

i have been harrassed since monday because of tons of paperwork. i know that its partly my fault but half of the blame should be on my professors. like what i said in my previous blog, my profs being more than happy giving us paperworks, well it really came true - BIG TIME! imagine:

1 full paper for asian global brands1 group paper for a concept retail store, with business plan, proposed site etc etc... the whole nine yards
2 reaction papers for 1. (a mere 150 page case of) Tolentino vs. the Secretary of Finance 2. The website of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
1 Self Critique for Speech class1 group paper for my sales management class including recommendations
defense of the group paper for the concept store on friday
quiz in accounting on friday



and whats worse, the computer at home crashed. now what could be worse than that? hate, disgust and hopelesness couldnt even begin to describe what i feel.


LUCKILY.. thanks to patty and to mama mary's birthday, i was able to borrow patty's laptop (heaven sent!) and do ALMOST everything of what im supposed to do. i know i can do this. its just that its so overwhelming and for some part, disgusting, to even comprehend all the things that is happenning.

now im here, in front of the laptop, eating the whole tub of ice cream, while eating junk food and watching tv all at the same time.

ive got to take valiums now.


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