Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the truth

This Is The Truth

If you turn things upside down

You can’t hope for your life to change

I would be lying to you if I said that

You have a great future ahead

That you can recover from your past mistakes

That your life could be filled with joy

That your children could be safe and healthy

More than anything you must know

Human beings can not accomplish these things

And I am convinced of this because I know you

All you are capable of is failure

You have made a complete mess of your life and

I refuse to believe under my circumstances that

You can turn things around in the coming years

You may think your life is bad now but

There’s more to come you have only destiny

And whether you like it or not

This is what is real

I am the Lord your God

You should know I believe exactly the opposite

now, read the message line by line going up.
it literally turns the message upside down :)

* saw this in a video in facebook, too bad i can't find the video on youtube.


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