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it started as one long vacation for me. half day last wednesday until tomorrow, tuesday.
yet again, the holy week was spent in iba, zambales with relatives. why there again? 'cause frankly, it's one of the cheapest vacation spots that is very accessible (in terms of travel and doh). plus we've been there since we were the only family vacationing and visible along the long stretch of pristine waters and white sands. i know, white sand sounds so cliche nowadays. but i'm digressing.
anyway, there are more and more people there every year. and starting last year, there was already the san miguel beach concert. ah the signs of the times.
honestly, i was really not in the mood to go to zambales for two reasons. first, i will miss yuri this year. second, i want to do some nature tripping/adventure. the first reason i cannot do anything about it. the second, we were supposed to do it already with an officemate and some of my friends. unfortunately, it didn't push through. boohoo.
however, after sitting through it for hours (i mean this) i decided to go instead. my initial plan was to do dvd marathon. i realized though that i have nothing else to watch. i thought about buying some dvd's in mcs, however i thought it's probably closed.
so i went. can't say i've had a blast because something's just missing and it's not as fun as before.
anyway check out some pics.
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