Tuesday, January 2, 2007

keeping the ball rolling

keeping the ball rolling this 2007

the eye
some window in greenbelt 4

i want to start this year by saying what i want to say. well, much like what i have done the past few years of my blogging existence. here it goes.

i have received comments not only posted here but said to me personally about my post "silang mga customers." a lot of people told me that it was quite an arrogant post. some told me it was very keen of me to have those observations.

i would want to comment on it myself.

first of all, i wrote that entry with an honest thought of just having mere observations posted on my blog. i intended it to be a writing of one's observation of the things that one sees. i, however, did not intend it to be aggressive, boastful, unkind, irritating, or even condescending.

with that post, i was merely stating facts. never in that entry did i say that being classified under the jologs is bad or negative. for we all know, WE ALL LOVE SALES AND DISCOUNTS. but i will definitely stand my ground when it comes to the other categories like "feeling mayaman" and/or "nagmamaganda/nagmamagwapo." no other reasons needed.

i am unhappy that those observations came off as being arrogant and aggressive, both of which were unintentional. however, it makes me happier to know that i am affecting people with what i write. more than that, the time they spend in reading my seemingly boring entries and even more time to send in their comments or tell me what they think. both of which are GREATLY appreciated. believe me, in this very cluttered world of blogging, i am pleased that, still, a few people take their time to read my POV. which also leads me to another point. this is MY blog. and if i piss people off because of my opinions, observations or whatever is posted here, my sincerest apologies. there are a lot of more talented writers out there to read about, a lot of other things to read about and a lot of other ideas to read about.

with that said, i like to think that, believe it or not, we are all being labeled of what we do, what we think, what we are, how we act, how we do, how we think, where we are, and how we are. but we create our own molds. we always have the freewill as to what we are going to be or how we are going to be. i also like to think that this mold, however it tries to contain us, can never define us. it is always up to us to break out of those labels, connotations, and categories and go out of our shells, so to speak.

and that's my POV.

cheers to another year of sometimes fearless, sometimes opinionated, sometimes boring, sometimes grammatically incorrect, sometimes profound, and sometimes senseless blogging!


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