today is wednesday
wednesday. you know the routine. and what is it tonight? little manhattan. omg. it's screaming cuteness. (shet ang arte) but it really is. i've to say, one of the best experience i had inside a moviehouse. damn! although the girl kinda reminds me of the olsen slash yesterday slash i really hate them before because they looked like monkeys. the boy was great! haha! there was thing funny scene where he tells her that he hates her and then she tells him that she hates him back. and then phone slammed. then omg, the boy cries like hell. hahahahahahahaha! he was like all so hysteric like looking high up and crying and hand on the throat and the other hand crunched like some maniac and screams her name. LOL! L-O-L!i like the story, it's so refreshing. not those usual cliche type of movies that you see every so often. in two weeks, boy meets girl, boy liked girl, girl liked boy, boy love girl, boy kisses girl, girl breaks boy's heart, girl comes back, end. LOL. that's the whole storyline right there. sorry for the spoiler. haha.
and the other funny thing was, abner, was all "whoooo aaaahhhh" during the whole movie haha! my guess is that he was getting butterflies in his belly. haha. it's not funny now but it was funny then. i'll try to give you a visual with this.
this is abner.
now imagine him doing those things above. funny.
and just early tonight, i discovered joss stone. oh. my. god. she is sooooo good. i think i already have my favorite song of her. victim of a foolish heart. wow. excellent vocals, excellent soul, plus, she's really a good looker!
or this:
on graduation.
*sigh* i wish.
anyway bbye friends!