the wednesday group
so we still continued the wednesday ritual last night. with abner, jen and yuri, we flocked to G4 to see what's on. we already watched harry potter, in her shoes and prime. the choice was narrowed to king kong and kiss, kiss, bang, bang. we decided we watch king kong.
we ate at wendy's, which by the way i have ben craving for since early this week, and ordered burger and fries biggie size. it was heaven for my palate but hell for my tummy. after the meal, i rushed to the lounge only to find out that the three cubicles were occupied. darn it. then the most disgusting thing happened. "BBHOOOOT, PLOP, BBHHOOOOOT, PROOOOOOOP, PLOP"
it was like a chorale of shit. all three. a trio: a bass, a tenor and an alto. shet kung shet. after hearing (and smelling) it, my "bad feeling" suddenly went away. yay. now i had to endure a three hour movie trying not to feel the feeling anymore. i had to go back to g4 anymore.
got back, usual routine which consists of smoking, talking and virtual tennis. when we got inside the movie house, i regretted doing all that. the movie was jampacked and we had to stand and wait for a seat to be vacant. dammit.
king kong was a visual treat. jackson made sure that in all those three hours, you won't get bored and think about if you left your house door open or if you already fed your pet dog. each part of the movie was wow. there was only one time when we were at a loss. we got inside the cinema a little late so we didn't see the opening credits. and we wondered, "is this really king kong?"
those freakish natives were so disgusting. they like to bash tourist's heads for fun. gross.and they like to bathe themselves in sunlight that they all turned black. just kidding. i dunno why they were all so black. it was never explained. and their human trophies were all over the place. in the middle and the end of the movie, you think: "where are these people now?"
so king kong was supposed to paint fear in each person's faces. but he did not. i don't know but i haven't watched king kong movies before so i found him a little adorable. it's as if i want him as a pet. king kong is such a braggart he's cute. and you feel so much sympathy for him especially in the end.
i just don't understand why anne's bones were not crushed, dislocated and broken after king kong's run and many battles. imagine being hoisted up then thrown back down, they grabbed again, then suddenly shift right, then left. i was literally feeling the pain in her bones. but she doesn't seem to mind. it's may be nice to at least make her a little human. especially in the end when she has to climb the empire state building's zenith.
back to king kong. his antics were funny and half the movie, the audience were all laughing.
that shallow hal guy is still irritating. you still want to crush every part of his body for his arrogance, stupidity and.. well.. luck. if you hated him in that chick flick shallow hal, i guess you'll hate him more here. he's just the character you love to hate - MORE. he turned to be the villain in the movie, which was a surprise because i thought king kong was the villain.
brody was a little freaky though. and baldwin - a little lackluster performance. but wait, this is not a movie critique.
so anyway, king kong was a visual treat and a heart wrencher movie. haha, you just get to fall in love with an ape that in the end, you feel sorry for this big poor ape.
it was the longest time i've ever stood up for a movie. we didn't get a seat. we were standing for three hours! but it was worth it. i'll end with a quote from the movie "... and beauty killed the beast"